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企业咨询, ABS Group 的历史

Business consulting, the history of Asian Business Solutions Group

di Flavia Cruciani

ABS Group - Asian Business Solutions Group - 是一月2014年在米兰开始的. ABS Group的基础是创立者Federico Addimando 的主意, 最重要的目标就是为客户提供在国际市场的成功, 特别是亚洲的. 主要服务包括详细市场调查,咨询关于国际化和外判在亚洲市场, 还有社会媒体营销为最大地增加客户的宣传.

从三月2014起, ABS Group 和TA International 一起开始合作, TA International 就是一家咨询及生意调解的日本公司, 它很长时间在国际市场工作了(包括美国, 中国, 泰国和欧洲). 因为他们都有一个广泛的联系网, 所以ABS and TA International 向客户可以保证可靠和优势的咨询服务.

The history of ABS Group – Asian Business Solutions Group – just started in January 2014 in Milan. Grounded on the driving force of his founder Federico Addimando, ABS Group’s first aim is to provide to his clients everything they need to achieve success on the international markets, especially the Asian one. The main services offered by the company are detailed market researches, consulting regarding internationalization and outsourcing on the Asian market along with social-media marketing aimed to maximize the client’s visibility .

 In March 2014, the ABS group started a grounded collaboration with TA International, a Japanese consulting and business mediation company, which has been working worldwide for many years (USA, China, Thailand and Europe). Thanks to their wide network, ABS Group and TA International can assure a reliable and distinct consulting service.

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