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VIPs' restaurants reopen in Italy: the welcome back of restaurateurs

VIPs' restaurants reopen in Italy: the welcome back of restaurateurs

The message of ARCS Rome, Historic Center Restaurants Association

di Giacomo Zito

ROME - A picture to wish all Italian restaurat owners a definitive reopening and an economic restart for the country. This is the message ARCS Rome (Historic Center Restaurants Association) wanted to send, as they met under the Coliseum, the world-famous symbol of the Eternal City.

Italy is finally reopening the restaurants that have hosted celebrities such as Keanu Reeves, Sylvester Stallone, George Clooney, Sarah Jessica Parker, Elton John, Wes Anderson, Tom Cruise and many others.  

«This picture - said Angelo Giraldi, owner of "Angelino ai Fori" restaurant associated with ARCS - shows how many workers and how many families are behind a single restaurant. Also, we hope this picture will mark the path towards to a better viaticum, as a good omen for the last of the three restarts that involved us as restaurant owners from Rome and from all the Lazio Region. We hope - he concluded - this could be the seal for the economic revival we are all waiting for». Rome is ready to welcoming back tourists from all over the world, offering them the opportunity to appreciate the excellence of our catering.



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