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Marino's Grape Feast is back

A miracle of art,culture and tradition which always innovates, and has reached its 88th edition

di Valerio Cruciani

Raffaele Paganini, Martina Pinto, Tiromancino and Paolo Belli. These are the artists and characters that will take part at the 88th Grape Feast in Marino, the most ancient manifestation of genre in Italy, scheduled from the 5th to the 8th of October this year.The 88th edition is dedicated to Angelo Mercuri, recently passed away, the man that, for years, has given contributions to the manifestation in term of ideas and operativity. The main theme will be the number 88 and its evocative double vision, made real by sculptor Alfio Mongelli who took ispiration from the "infinite" suggested by number 88 and its visual resamble of grapes. "The first edition was in 1925 - said mayor Adriano Palozzi - and today, an ancient tradition always capable of impose itself over time, still proof its nature, its strong links to History and the essence of our land. A people event which is entered in the most celebrated festivals in Italy, both able to represent the great heart of our land, and the passion of its people about simple true things like work, deep feelings and family." In the Feast 7.000 litres of wine, avalaible in the 4 days, together with the 9 tons of fresh grape, will be distribuited to guests. There will be free parking available near the train station (Cave di Peperino), the Municipality Stadium and the cimitery. Also a non-free parking will be placed in in Piazzale degli Eroi.

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