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美妙的食物、壮丽的景色、在豪宅行业 投资的机会。开始探索拉齐奥地区。

Good food, amazing views and luxury villas. Let's Explore Lazio

di Stefano Venza


在翁布里亚(Umbria)地区和拉齐奥(Lazio)地区之间的边界,有美丽中世纪Cantalice城市。这个美丽的中世纪的城市坐落在Lungo 和Ripasottile湖泊自然保护区此外它的美丽自然环境是想放松自己的心灵、在森林里散步、探索山修道院的人们,最好目的地。此外,冬天的时候从Cantalice 你可以开车道Terminillo 山,在这儿你可以看美丽环境。在这个迷惑的地方我们现有一套3层别墅房出售,十八世纪的房子,坐落在Cantalice中世纪古镇。现出售一套900平米别墅(Villa San Liberato),上下2层楼,独立式,建于一片1500平米的土地上,四周有围栏保护。底层:两个大厅相连通、一间超大厨房、宽敞山景玻璃窗的3房子。二层:3间双人卧室.房子需要恢复重建总体规划,但是可以根据个人喜好进行装修。






With its culural, artistic, natural and gastronomic richness, the so called “Bel Paese” attracts buyers of luxury property. Rome, the Eternal City, takes you back in time to Renaissance and the gorgeous Baroque and, of course, the Roman Empire. But what about countryside ? Italy has a different regions and atmopheres. For example, 80 km far from the capital ,in the central area of Italy between Umbria and Lazio, the little city of Cantalice is placed. With his history and stunning country side, this place attracts people from all over the center of Italy who like enjoy the peace of  the regional park of Lungo and Ripasottile lakes, and love walk on the woods discovering mountain’s  monastery. Moreover, Cantalice can satisfy the so called “winter lovers”, thanks  the beautiful mountain of Terminillo, far 20 Km from the little city.

 In that area we offer  an unique Villa (Villa San Liberato) for sale, located on a promontory with a panoramic view over Lungo and Ripasottile lakes. The property spreads over 15 acres of land where is possible to use it for agricoltural purposes. Built up at the end of XVIII century, the main Villa is developed for 900 sq.m on three different floors (ground, first and second floor). The main entrance leads to stairs to first floor, which houses a large living area with two living rooms, a spacious kitchen and other tree rooms overlooking  Lungo an Ripasottile lakes. In the second floor there is the sleeping area decorated with the so famous “cotto fiorentino” on the floor.

On the ground the property is also equipped with original tank, dated 1800, to produce wine. Nevertless the all stucture needs works to renew it, but the roof ,as well as the floor, is in perfect condition. If you still living in a big city and would like to keep in touch with the nature, eat italian amazing food, let’s see us.



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