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Sportaccord: the world wide web supports Anna Arzhanova, 27.000 people to follow

Arzhanova let the people know its activity and shares it with all the sportsmen and sportswomen in the world

di Matteo Spinelli

ROMA – It's growing day by day the positive response of the world wide web community about the candidacy of Anna Arzhanova for the Sportaccord presidence (the organization who colletcs inside all the world sports federations, Olympic and non-Olympic). The Facebook page dedicated to the CMAS president (world underwater sports) has reached in few days almost 27.000 people. Through his Facebook page, Anna Arzhanova let the people know its activity and shares it with all the sportsmen and sportswomen in the world, which have also the possibility to know his program as Sportaccord presidence candidate. The petition launched by the page #AnnaNeverGiveUp, through wich the world of sport and not only supports Anna Arzhanova as the first woman candidate in the history of Sportaccord, it has already exceeded 12.000 people reached. «The tremendous support received from the world wide web gives me even more strenght – Anna Arzhanova says – for my Sportaccord candidacy. This support it's important because its came from thousands of athletes from all around the world and from different discipilines. Never Give Up».

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Serie A, il protagonismo degli arbitri ha messo ko il calcio

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